summer is a good time to prepare for fall

food healthy vegetables eat
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I know, you have just finished putting away the school books from last year and dumped stacks of unwanted papers into the recycling bin and now you are finally ready to officially start your summer.  O.K., maybe this is just me, but now is the best time to start to prepare for the fall.

Dealing with chronic illness while educating your children pulls your energy to the limits.  Even if you were completely well, there still would not be enough time in the day to get everything that needed to be done completed.  So, summer is the perfect time to begin to think about the 2018-2019 school year and a great place to start is food.  Everyone needs to eat, and cooking and preparing meals everyday on top of teaching all of your kiddos, is something that adds even more time and physical demands on your body leading to more stress.

So this summer it may be helpful to start cooking double batches of food and get it into the freezer.  Maybe one or two weeks you can focus on breakfast foods such as pancakes, muffins, and egg burritos and the following weeks you can focus on lunch and dinner items.  As of today, there is only 9 weeks until Labor Day………time flies and it will be here before we know it.

I would love to know what your favorite freezer recipe is.

Have a blessed day

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